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Customers can now see themselves wearing new sneakers, trying on new sunglasses, or even testing new watches, without ever leaving home. Popular apps like Snapchat and Instagram make use of XR technology to showcase products while also delivering fun and immersive experiences like those below.1

  • AR (Augmented Reality): In this form, the user or their environment is altered with digital content.
  • VR (Virtual Reality): In this form, the user enters a digital environment, mainly through a headset.

Augmented Reality helps brands connect with customers by using interactive and immersive technology. Users can see themselves using or wearing a digital product before purchasing the physical one, helping them make an informed decision. Many brands already use AR product marketing in some form, including Ikea, Amazon, Warby Parker, and the Home Depot. AR product try-out is one way consumers can use AR to make decisions. In this method, they place a digital 3D product in their physical environment using a mobile device (phone or tablet). This allows them to move and rotate the object to see how it looks from different angles and in different positions in their space. Potential customers can even walk up to the product to inspect it in detail rather than visiting a store. The concept of see before you buy is true manifested through AR product visualization.